Tuesday, August 3, 2010

33 week checkup - Colten is head's down!

I went back to the doctor yesterday (August 2nd) for my growth ultrasound and 33 week checkup. Colten measured in the 60th percentile and they estimated his current weight at 4lbs 12 oz. The doctor said I have an abundance of fluid (not too much just more than necessary) so that may be why I was measuring big at my last appointment. His heartrate was great and so was my blood pressure (120/70). She gave me a low dose of Ambien to try for the nights I am having trouble sleeping. That's really every night but I will probably only use it nights I am really tired or on weekends. Last night I took it, but I only took 1/4 of the dose since I have never taken it before. I still woke of 3-4 times but definitely slept for longer periods between waking up. I only woke up to use the bathroom instead of waking up due to my hips aching or being uncomfortable.

Doctor thinks I may have had some braxton hicks contractions without realizing it. I told her that every once in a while I wll feel a crampy type feeling real low and sometimes a sharp pain really low in my pelvis. I also notice that my belly gets rock hard at times, but it tends to stay that way for a few minutes and I don't notice it happening in a pattern. She said the baby's movements can cause my uterus to contract and I might not realize its happening.

The ultrasound also revealed that Colten is definitely heads down. My doc thought he was at the last appt by feeling my belly but the ultrasound confirmed. His head is down, with his butt up near my ribs on the right side. He is turned sideways with his spine running down the right side of my belly and his feet and hands on the left side of my belly. Guess that's better than getting kicked in the ribs!

I go back in 2 weeks for the Group B strep test and my 35 week checkup. After that I will go once a week to have my cervix checked for signs of thinning or dialation. Thankfully I was able to make all of my last appointments with the doctor I really want to deliver me. There are 5 doctors at my OB's office, and they are all nice, but Dr. Golden is my favorite. She is also really good with the dad's and has a great bedside manner. I just feel really comfortable with her and know she will make Corey and I both more comfortable during my labor/delivery. I wanted to have my last appts with her in case we decide to be induced. Otherwise if I go into labor on my own, it will be whoever is on call. Glad that I like all of the doctors since we won't know when Colten decides he is ready to come out!

We have an infant care class coming up in a couple weeks. I also have a breastfeeding class that same day, and that evening is my last shower being thrown by my Aunt Kym and Grandmother. Looking forward to seeing all of the family on my Dad's side.

I am hoping I can get my office organized at work over the next couple of weeks in preparation for my maternity leave. I also hope to maybe have a week off before Colten comes so I can do last minute preparations in his room. My mom came over last weekend and helped me organize all of the gifts we had received so far. I now have a couple piles of laundry to do for all of his sheets, bedding, newborn clothes, burp cloths, etc. Hopefully we will have everything ready soon :) 48 days and counting til my due date!

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