Friday, February 26, 2010

Heard the Heartbeat!

I am 10 weeks and 4 days along now. Corey and I went back to the doctor this morning for a checkup. I knew they were going to try and hear the heartbeat so I was a bit nervous! I really haven't had any morning sickness at all and have been starting to feel better as far as the "hungover" feeling so without many pregnancy symptoms I have had myself a little worried that maybe everything wasn't ok. When the nurse took my blood pressure she asked me if it ran high and I told her "No just really nervous - I'm sweating through my pants!". The doctor came in and let me know my blood work results. Thankfully I am not a cystic fibrosis carrier. My Rubella immunity came back equivalent which means I am not as immune as I used to be. Thankfully we don't hear much these days of german measle outbreaks so I should be ok, but they want me to get re-vaccinated after the baby is born.

Next the Doctor tried to listen for the heartbeat with the Doppler. After about 10 minutes she couldn't find it. She told me it was still pretty early to hear, and depending on the way my uterus was sitting it could be difficult. They gave me the option of coming back in a week and trying again or waiting around to get fit in for an ultrasound. I decided to wait since I am a worry-wart and knew I wouldn't get any good sleep if I had to wait.

Thankfully the wait was only about 30 minutes for the ultrasound tech. After hopping up on the table and getting squirted with lots of ultrasound goo (surprisingly it was nice and warm!) the tech got started. Right away the most amazing, beautiful sound of our baby's heartbeat could be heard in the room!!! They have a TV setup in front of the exam table so we could see the heart monitor on the screen and see Baby Burns. He or she was moving its little leg buds around and kept turning its back on us. How amazing it was to see our "mini" baby since the last ultrasound just looked like a little blob on the screen. I sneaked a look at Corey and even he was tearing up! So even though I had to freak out at first, I am so thankful for the blessing in disguise of having to have the ultrasound done so we could see our little one and hear/see its strong heartbeat!

I go back in 2 weeks for the nuchal screening. Its about an hour long ultrasound and blood work where they will test my risk for down syndrome and other defects. Please keep us in your prayers that the tests come back fine.

I am so thankful to be having a very uneventful pregnancy so far. I really thought I was going to be awful sick, so I am counting my blessings to just feel hungover and tired. The bloating and heartburn aren't fun but such a small price to pay. In just a few short weeks we will finally be in the 2nd trimester. I am looking forward to getting over that hump and starting to get some energy back.

Thanks for everyone's continued support and prayers. I will keep you updated. My sister has a scanner so I am going to try to get over there to scan our 6 week ultrasound picture and the one from today.

Love, Corey, Ashley & Baby Burns (and Izzie too)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

8 weeks

So this week I am 8 weeks along. Can't believe its been almost a month since we found out we are expecting - time flies! Thankfully I am still feeling pretty good. I guess I am one of the lucky few who doesn't have severe morning sickness. Some days I feel a bit "hungover" but mostly I am feeling good with the exception of a bit more tiredness.

This weekend I am looking forward to my valentine's date with Corey, and next weekend Corey will be heading to Cane Island for my dad's "Wee-Cane". I think he is looking forward to some "guy" time.

I think most of our close friends and family have been told about my pregnancy so its been awesome to be able to talk about it openly. We still aren't saying anything on facebook, but its nice to chat in person or on the phone with others.

This past week one of my best friends gave birth to her first child, a boy named Maddox on February 4th. He weighed in at almost 9 lbs! Still don't know how she was able to push him out, but congrats to Kisha and Lenny! I can't wait to meet the little guy, and it makes me excited that we will have kids less than a year apart.

Well there isn't much else to post for dr appt coming up on the 26th.

Keep the prayers a coming - we are very grateful for them!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

7 weeks

This week we have begun telling more family and a few close friends about our pregnancy. It is so fun to see Corey so excited. I think it took him a bit more time to finally realize he was ready to start trying for a baby, so to see him like this has been great. This Sunday, I had a miserable day. I felt nauseated all day, and had a headache. I didn't even get out of my pj's and spent most of the day in bed. Corey was such a fantastic husband (not that he isn't always), and spent his day cleaning the kitchen, doing 4 loads of laundry, raking leaves, taking over dog duty, going to the grocery store, and finally bringing home dinner for me! It was nice to be so taken care of.

During the week I don't feel as bad. Makes me wonder if my body realizes I need to be able to get up and function at work, and on the weekends the tiredness and everything just catches up with me. Sunday (my sick day), I found out that a dear cousin of mine had passed. This weekend, we will be traveling to Columbia for her funeral. I am really looking forward to seeing my extended family even under such horrible circumstances, but also hoping I won't feel so bad this weekend while traveling.

I have so many friends and a cousin that are all expecting also, so Corey and I are looking forward to having a child the same age as them. Corey has already started tossing around name ideas, and thankfully so far we don't disagree on many that we do or do not like. For once we seem to agree on a lot of things :) Now that we have seen the ultrasound it seems real that I am actually growing a child in there! I had a freaking out moment this weekend when I realized that we are actually going to have a baby to care for! Thankfully it lasted just a split second and then my excitement took back over.

We still have a few more weeks until we go back to the doctor, but I will post if anything new or exciting happens.