Friday, March 12, 2010

Officially in my 2nd Trimester!

So I am now 12 weeks 4 days along. Went back to the Dr. yesterday for the nuchal screening ultrasound, some bloodwork, and a checkup. The nuchal ultrasound (screening for my risk of downs syndrome and other chromosomal defects) lasted about 30 minutes because Baby Burns didn't want to cooperate. Apparently the tech needed him/her in exactly the right position in order to get the measurements she needed. I didn't mind, the longer it took was the longer I got to watch our baby :) It was really cool to see him/her since it now looks a lot more like a baby in there! Instead of nubs it now has full arms and legs, with fingers and toes! Baby Burns kept putting its arm up by its head and even looked to be sucking its thumb at some points. You could see the profile facial features also. Baby Burns was sleeping at first and then kept jumping all around frustrating the tech! These stubborn features make me thinks its a boy! But who knows, Corey and I are both stubborn, so no matter what we have it will probably be a stubborn child! Thankfully my screening results were normal, but they also do a blood test that we will have to wait about a week for those results.

After having the blood taken for that test and to test for antibodies in my blood since I am A-, I met with one of the Nurse Practioners for a checkup. This time they could hear the heartbeat through my belly with the doppler! I knew the heart was beating good because I also got to hear it for a minute during the ultrasound going a healthy 159 beats per minute. My checkup was quick and painless. They mainly just gave me some literature on the 2nd trimester and scheduled me to come back in a month.

I am so thankful to finally be out of the first trimester and to be able to finally feel good about announcing my pregnancy. I am beginning to get some energy back which is good because my house needs a good cleaning! This past week I bought our first pack of diapers from Sam's (well actually my parents were kind enough to pay for them!). We figured if we start buying diapers now, we will have a good stash going by the time Baby Burns arrives.

I am starting to notice some of my clothes getting snugger! Thankfully I had some pants that are now big on me from losing weight before getting pregnant so I can wear those. I bought this handy item called a Be-Band from Target which goes over my pants and holds them up if they are too big and you can even wear over unbuttoned pants that are a bit too tight. I think wearing it over too tight pants is uncomfortable but it works good with pants that are a little loose. My sister was kind enough to buy me some maternity pants this past weekend at Goodwill. They were really good quality (motherhood & Gap) and most of them fit so they will come in handy as I get rounder. I am also looking forward to visiting Corey's grandparents in Asheville next month as they have a Gap and Old Navy with the maternity sections so I can buy some outfits. I think I should be beginning to show by that point, and the Dr. told me that in about a month I should be able to feel Baby Burns moving :)

Well that is basically all the news for now. My mom is spending the weekend with me and Izzie as Corey is away for a bachelor weekend in Clemson. Should be nice to have some girl time :)

Thank you all for the continued prayers for us and Baby Burns!

Love, Ashley