Friday, January 29, 2010

1st ultrasound

So today Corey and I had our 1st ultrasound to verify our due date. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. I felt complete relief to learn that everything looked ok. After pointing out the gestational sac and the yolk sac, the technician showed us the embryo and then had me hold my breath. When I held my breath the screen would quit jumping around and we could see the tiniest pulsing of the heartbeat! She wasn't sure we would see it this early but I'm so glad we were able to! My dates put me at 6 weeks 4 days along, but the embryo measured at 6 weeks 2 days. They said they would still leave my due date around September 20th.

After the doctors appointment, Corey and I visited my Grandmother to tell her the good news and give her an ultrasound picture. We have decided at this point to tell family about Baby Burns.

I will try to scan and post the ultrasound picture if I can. Corey has gone off to enjoy the last weekend of duck hunting season so I am relaxing at home. This week brought on the start of a little morning sickness. I haven't really gotten sick, just pretty nauseated in the mornings and sometimes all day. I've started to have some food aversions. I don't really have a list of foods that I can't eat, just more when someone mentions a type of food or when I look at a menu, I know exactly what I don't want or what I don't think I can handle. I am also starting to have some cravings...mostly mexican food! Thankfully I am not too tired yet...just a little more sleepy than usual some nights. Corey has been great about helping me out around the house when I'm too tired to finish the dishes or laundry after cooking dinner.

Well, that's all for now. We don't go back to the doctor for a month, but at that appointment we should get to hear the heartbeat. I will try to post as any changes happen.

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for Baby Burns!

Friday, January 22, 2010

5 tests later...its official!

Proud daddy-to-be!
Shocked and totally excited!

The first 3 of 5 tests I took...just wanted to be sure!

There is no denying or confusion with the new digital tests!

Its official....we're expecting! Corey and I found out that I am pregnant on January 14, 2010. I had honestly convinced myself that I wasn't but apparently what I thought was pre-menstrual symptoms were actually my first pregnancy symptoms.

My sister Tina went with me to my first appointment with my OBGYN on January 20, 2010 so they could confirm the pregnancy. I was relieved when the doctor walked in and offered me a "Congratulations"...even though I had already taken 5 home tests that were all positive! After answering my questions and giving me a bunch of information, they gave me the Swine Flu (H1N1) vaccination and took a bunch of blood to run tests with. The doctor said she thought I was 5 weeks and 2 days along so that gives me an estimated due date of September 20, 2010 (looks like I will be miserable and big in the middle of all the summer heat!)

Corey and I are going back next week (January 29, 2010) for our first ultrasound and a full phsyical exam with the OB. They decided to go ahead and do an ultrasound just to confirm how I am measuring to confirm the estimated due date.
Thankfully for now I am feeling pretty good, but the doctor said it could be another week or 2 before I started having morning sickness (if I get it at all). For now I am just a little more tired than usual and HUNGRY all the time! No matter what I eat, I feel like I haven't ate in 2 days! Thankfully the doctor said that would probably only last a few weeks and to just eat if I'm hungry but try to stick with healthy snacks and not a bunch of junkfood.
The day after we found out I had to tell my mom, so I told her by asking if she would be willing to start a "diaper collection" for us because we would be needing them soon. She was completely shocked since we hadn't even told anyone we were trying. Corey was hunting with my dad that weekend, and it was so hard for him not to say anything. We ended up telling my dad as soon as they got back from their trip. Next we told Corey's parents. Corey is really bad about dropping hints and thinking that he is being inconspicuous (when in truth he is actually being very obvious!) so his dad guessed before we could tell him. I gave Corey's mom a bunch of pictures from Christmas that I had printed and told her there might be some she hadn't seen. The very last picture was the picture from above of the 3 positive tests. She just looked at us and said "What is this?!" then hugged us both with tears in her eyes. Later that night we called Corey's sister on the phone to tell her and she was just as excited as the rest of us :)
The hardest part was waiting to tell my sister who was out of town for the few days after we found out. I invited her and her husband and kids over for dinner the night they got back. I tricked her by telling her I just thought she might not feel like cooking after being on the road. At Christmas, she was so sure I was going to tell her I was pregnant that she was disappointed when I wasn't. She jokingly told me that I had a month til her birthday (January 25th) to get knocked up! I wrote her a card that said "Aunt Tina you're birthday wish came true and your present will arrive in approximately 9 months!". When they came over for dinner I handed her the card and by the time she read it she jumped on me to hug me and started crying. It was an awesome moment, and I'm really excited for this experience to just make us closer as I get to become a mommy! My niece pretended to faint when I told her and then told me she wanted me to have 3 girls and 3 boys! At least its a welcome change from her now famous line of "Ashee when are you going to have a baby - you are taking too long!"

I have started this blog so that our family and friends can keep up with us as we start our journey into parenthood! I will try to post often and add pictures as I figure out how to use this website :)

All prayers for us and our little bean are greatly appreciated!


Corey, Ashley, Izzie and Baby Burns